Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Oil and Gas Reserves


💻 Optimized Version 📱

List of equations assignment


The calculation of porosity and water saturation plays an important role by the time of estimating oil and gas reserves, because a considerable mistake calculating these two values can bring serious economic problems if we are talking about a giant reservoir.

oil reserves

The recovery factor is another important parameter in the reserves estimation calculations, and this value will depend on the natural drainage mechanism(s) of the reservoir (gas cap, acuifer, etc.), which are very different between them. In addition, the recovery factor can increase by the application of secondary and tertiary recovery technics at the reservoir, but this improvement adds more costs for the explotation budget.

gas reserves

In this section, you can find the different equations for oil and gas reserves estimation.

You can calculate the following Reserves Equations:

Made by Henry Herrera

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